My Uni Expereince
Before university
Before I started university, I was doing my QQI Level 5 course in Software Development in Dun Laoghaire Further Education. In the course I did subjects such as Database Methods, Software Architecture, Web Authoring, Program and Design Principals, Work Experience, Communications, Maths and Networking. I was delighted to graduated the course with straight distinctions. Afterwards, I took up a few jobs during the summer to save up money to pay for my tuition and rent for when I move out.
As the summer ended, I was ready to see my CAO offers, one of my top course choices on the CAO was DN201 BSc Computer Science in University College Dublin, followed by TU856 BSc Computer Science in Technological University Dublin. As soon as I saw my CAO offers, I was left with disappointment to see that I did not get my first choice course. However, I came to the acceptance of my offered course which was Computer Science in TUD, later on I realised I was happy about Computer Science in TUD.
Starting University
Starting in Computer Science in Technological University Dublin, like any other students starting in a new University, I was very anxious, some of thoes reasons were the big change in social environments, I found my self very overwhelmed being in a class of over a 100 students, compared to a size of 10 in my previous course and a class size of about 60 when in secondary school. Another one of my anxieties is the worry of the large workload up ahead, I would often find my self falling behind a little and over-stressing about it.
Nearing the end of the first semester, I found my self feeling more comfortable and confident about being in University. I have socialised with many people and made a few new friend, and I enjoy attending many of the lectures. Overall, the Univeristy experience was very exciting and I look foward to my future in Technological University Dublin.